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Sunday, 10/26/14 Bishop G. Emerson Scott

"When God Brings You Full Circle" (Part 1)

Author: IKC Media/Tuesday, November 4, 2014/Categories: Sermon Notes

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Sunday, 10/26/14  Bishop G. Emerson Scott

“When God Brings You Full Circle”(Part 1)

Joshua 5:9, Ecclesiastes 1:7-11

Full circle - The grace of God to get everything right this time.

Cycles (physics) – a continuous change or sequence of changes

Cycle - a time required to complete a set of operations

Gilgal – the place of full circle; a place where it reminds us of the full power of God

1.      God gets the glory.

2.      We are not able to take the credit (you will recognize that you can’t do it on your own).

3.      Show others how awesome God is (others will know that God is with you).

There are 3 lessons that God wants to teach us:
  • Humility
  • Patience
  • Obedience

What happens when God leads you to a dead end?

Exodus 13:17-22, Exodus 14:2-4

The enemy often thinks that he has you exactly where He wants you.  It is at that moment that God will show up in your life to prove otherwise.  Sometimes, God will make you look vulnerable and confused to the enemy just to prove that He will deliver you once and for all.

There are some things that you have seen, been through, experienced that you will not have to deal with anymore.

God has a purpose when He decides to take you back to places that you have been before (Full circle).

Revolution (Full circle) – extreme change in thought as to why something is done.  There is something that God wants to reveal to you.  God will allow you to face some things that are similar so that you have another chance to make the right decisions this time compared to the choices you made the last time.

Though you feel like you are experiencing some things again, it is not the same.  Much like a potter and his clay, God is treating it, improving it and cleaning up the blemishes so that it may have a different outcome.

Cycles are a part of our growth processes so that we will be better before we travel to the next dimension.  Most people do not like change, however, change is inevitable.  When God brings you full circle, it is to help you regain your focus, your level of maturity increases (God can trust you with more) and your skills are sharper.

Deuteronomy 11:25-30

Shake yourself and stop crying over places that are dead. Before you make a decision, do not pay any attention to your emotions……check with God first.

DO NOT BE DISCOURAGED!!  This a new season and a new day!!

To receive Bishop Scott’s full message of "Full Circle", you are encouraged to purchase a tape or join us at our regular worship service held each Sunday morning at 9:30am.



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