Growth Resources
The resources provided on this page will challenge you and help you to grow. If you have questions, comments or ideas about new features for this page, please use the Contact Form on our Contact IKC Page to let us know.
When God brings you full circle, your ideas of how your life is supposed to be will turn out to be more than you could even imagine. We must be obedient to God and be careful of the connections we make with others without knowing their intentions.
When God brings you full circle, there is more than simply having faith and waiting on God to move on your behalf. You must fight in your everyday walk with God to stay focused on God's instructions for your life, to stop engaging in behaviors that are counterproductive to your progress and to stay away from toxic people who will do nothing but bring the quality of your life down.
We are in the season of the "Full Circle". God is bringing circumstances back around to us so that we could have another chance to make the right decisions and create more favorable outcomes, with God's help. In order for God to get the glory out of our lives, we must yield to His will and allow the God-ordained transformation to run its course. View the Video
BREAKTHROUGH is Baal-Perazim, which means Lord of the Breakthrough.
I Chronicles 14:11
You will only get help when you turn to the Lord of the Breakthrough.
Breakthrough – wherever there is a break there is– advanced movement - offensive movement. If there is going to be a breakthrough, you must move forward. Breakthroughs are also hidden areas that are yet to be fulfilled. God just has not revealed it yet, but it exists. View the video
IKC is a bible-believing fellowship that focuses on preparing people to IMPACT their communities. We worship and work with great joy knowing that we are being prepared for success. We know that the finished work of Jesus has freed us from the ultimate penalty of sin. We invest the time to study God's Word because it changes us and makes us better. Learn more...
Houston Texas 77021
Phone: (713) 644-5161
FAX: (713) 644-1225
Worship: Sunday 8:30 am
Bible Study:Tuesday 6:30 pm
Central Time
via Facebook - Impact Moment
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Sunday Morning Worship
Join us at 8:30 a.m. for our Sunday morning services at 4912 Griggs Rd. Houston, TX 77021 or via FaceBook Live IKC Houston by selecting the highlighted text, or connect via the website at