IKC News
Here are the latest news and event articles from Impact Kingdom Center.
Join us at 8:30 a.m. for our Sunday morning services at 4912 Griggs Rd. Houston, TX 77021 or via FaceBook Live IKC Houston by selecting the highlighted text, or connect via the website at ikchouston.org
Sunday services are now permanently at 4912 Griggs Rd.., Houston, TX 77021. Intercessory prayer begins at 8:15 AM. You may also join us on Sundays via FaceBook by selecting the highlighted text.
Altruism is unselfish regard for or devotion to the welfare of others. How do you categorize your relationships? Are you just in it to get something or are you giving expecting nothing, wanting nothing in return. Join us each Sunday at 9:00M as we discover the Power of True Friendship. (Proverbs 18:20, Ecclesiastes 4:9-10, 12)
IKC is a bible-believing fellowship that focuses on preparing people to IMPACT their communities. We worship and work with great joy knowing that we are being prepared for success. We know that the finished work of Jesus has freed us from the ultimate penalty of sin. We invest the time to study God's Word because it changes us and makes us better. Learn more...
Houston Texas 77021
Phone: (713) 644-5161
FAX: (713) 644-1225
Worship: Sunday 8:30 am
Bible Study:Tuesday 6:30 pm
Central Time
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Sunday Morning Worship