About Impact Kingdom Center
IKC is a bible-believing fellowship that focuses on preparing people to IMPACT their community. We worship and work with great joy knowing that we are being prepared for success. You can learn more about IKC and it's mission in these articles. Be sure to Contact Us if you have questions or comments.
Author: IKC Administration/Thursday, August 24, 2017/Categories: IKC Ministries, News
IKC Community activities:
~In partnership with the Texas Department of Family Protective Services via the Nurture Initiative (Child Abuse & Abandonment Prevention) by Lady Cecilia Abbott. (Participation in National Blue Sunday (last Sunday in April.) Corporate prayer is uplifted for children and adolescents who experience child abuse and abandonment.
~ IKC is an official Community Partner with Texas Health & Human Services Commission. Assistance is provided in applying for State benefits such as Medicaid, SNAP Food Benefits, TANF Cash Help and services for the elderly.
~ In partnership with The Rose, A breast cancer organization. Impact Kingdom Center is also recognized as a 2017 sponsor for The Rose.
~ In partnership with Hartman Middle School to help tutor students in Math, Reading and Writing in preparation for STAAR testing each Spring.
~ Evangelism Team ministers to people and provide help for individuals with food and financial assistance as needed.
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IKC is a bible-believing fellowship that focuses on preparing people to IMPACT their communities. We worship and work with great joy knowing that we are being prepared for success. We know that the finished work of Jesus has freed us from the ultimate penalty of sin. We invest the time to study God's Word because it changes us and makes us better. Learn more...
Houston Texas 77021
Phone: (713) 644-5161
FAX: (713) 644-1225
Worship: Sunday 8:30 am
Bible Study:Tuesday 6:30 pm
Central Time
via Facebook - Impact Moment
Contact Us
Sunday Morning Worship
Join us at 8:30 a.m. for our Sunday morning services at 4912 Griggs Rd. Houston, TX 77021 or via FaceBook Live IKC Houston by selecting the highlighted text, or connect via the website at ikchouston.org